The Natures Metaverse Path Towards glory

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Zinnia Gardens Floor Plans


In this release, we are building the major gallery which will be more than eight times larger than our private room! This will mean loads of room for the public to walk around.

While the first gallery will be our private gallery, this one we will open to the public. Hosting public events in which our Artists and Developers will attend and share their keynotes with members all over the world.

You will enter the design to a billboard for further instructions, a map, special dates and other such information.


As we introduce our brand to the Metaverse, we will be using an application called Spatials.

Members will be able to immerse themselves in our gallery by VR headset, an experience you won’t forget!

If you do not have a VR System, there’s no need to worry as Spatials offers cross platform integration.

You can view our gallery not only in a Headset, but also on your Phone, Tablet, or Computer.




Welcome to our first mentioned Portal. This haunted house will be the first built structure by us incorporating aspects of our future land build. As we gather the necessities to accomplish our set forth goals within. We will be slowly introducing and assisting those into the Metaverse while we are in the background working on the land.

Grab your VR headset, or hang out at your computer while we take you through our Haunted Stories and late night hangouts with our special host Sophie!

We will be going Live on YouTube in VR on the day of the event. Then we are blessed that it will be saved in our channel group!




Welcome to our Metaverse! A place to hang out, relax, join conversations, or immerse yourself with friends by playing games and visiting staged portals. The passion we have for this Butterfly Conservatory makes it our main projection.

With much to accomplish prior to this project, we’re looking at our plans to bring you a Biome of Butterflies and Moths the size of New York’s Central Park. Find all our butterflies and moths flying around or perched on a tree! The Biome will be surrounded by Pentas Halls, towards the outer parameters of the conservatory where you will be able to browse two large wings lined with selling booths, shops, sculptures, hang out zones and large conference and meeting rooms!

Conservatory Areas

  • Overall Parameter: Butterfly Biome
  • Market Parameter: Pentas Halls
  • Outside Environment: Pets Expansion


We have chosen the Unity Engine, as it has proven to be one of the lead engines used to program Virtual Reality games. Our developers are familiar with the coding and are working with the application as we speak.

While Unity will not be the only program to generate all the contents within the Metaverse, we have a well-rounded knowledge for some of the mechanics needed.

NOTE: Following are some Virtual Applications using Unity: Fruit Ninja VR, Job Simulator Beat Sabre, Superhot, Breaking Boundaries VR.




In our Staged Portals we will be hosting live events with speakers, teachers, meditation and yoga. Listen in to special guests and market influencers during event days while entering the VR Meditation room for an hour, or relax and stretch with VR Yoga, within your own home, while waiting for the next speaker.

Listen to our versions of TED Talk, in the Butterfly Auditorium where we ask those who teach well to join us on stage. Learn what they have lived, live what they will teach, love them for who they are and the knowledge they preach.

For the moment while we accumulate a large user login count into our Metaverse, we will only run Meditation and Yoga hours during the event hours. As the world fills up and we can bring in the proper teachers, we will pick days to conduct private classes. Once it’s big enough we will run a program in which you will be able to join with a membership card.

Two Stages in our Vibe Nation Portals will showcase many events, with a different floor plan in comparison to the Butterfly Auditorium, entering these two portals will bring you to large circular rooms in which the speakers will present themselves on a center stage while listeners sit or stand around the speaker, while they will be able to interact and join the conversations on a personal level. Some live events will be paid events, visitors can always purchase event Tickets for certain paid events happening anywhere in the conservatory or win Tokens to purchase Tickets to such events.

A Haunted Mansion with our spooky story time, you'll be able to listen in on Ghost stories hosted by our friend Sophie! In addition you may get the chance to tell your story when we open!




Who doesn’t like to shop, especially if the items you buy have a grand chance and go up in value. By playing games, interacting and earning tokens, you will be able to shop in our Grand Merch Shops. Visit one of our Shop keep Grotyles for information when the time comes.

Starting with the Souvenirs and Merch Shop where you’ll enter a room full of great NFTs to display and collect. While we have much we would love to release, we will also be releasing some in which you may purchase the NFT and get a real-life copy!

Outside of the Merch Shop you will find Master Gro-T's Token Booth where you can purchase Tokens that can be used throughout the conservatory. With Tokens you will be able to purchase Event Tickets or Game Upgrades and spend them in all the shops and booths.

Let’s now talk about the Wearables Shop, here you will be able to purchase one of our three Starting Avatars. Then you can browse the shop looking through our clothing and accessories.


Booths are placed along the parameters of Pentas Halls for Artists and Collectors to sell and advertise their NFTs by bringing them into our space for all to see. Bring in photos and objects such as sculptures or images that can be framed or placed on a podium.

To set up a booth, there will be contact between the conductor and the members. We will open the booth applications during our Investors Preview Ceremony. Then we can further talk about setting one up for the public

With the two types of NFT members, we have divided them into their own wings to prevent any confusion the consumer may have when walking around the halls. The first hall is for Artists Shill & Displays, while the second hall is for NFT Collectors Shill & Displays. Of course, we will have billboards with maps and arrows to assist all.




Have you a conference to hold and have no idea where to hold it? Holding it here will be great, as we will have Conference Passes in which holders will be able to enter the Butterfly Conservatory with privileges.

Privileges to password protected Conference Rooms, a separate room attached to the Biome for those who would like to separate and chat in a quiet room without the ears of the public. Then on break you may wander the conservatory and see what the whole experience has to offer.




Introduced to you as our first Metaverse Expansion, you will see our Pets come to life in the Butterfly Conservatory. Watch them as they interact with your avatars, following you around as you browse the market. You may bring them through the Portals and eventually all over the VR World!

While the Pets aren’t the only thing introduced, we will be expanding the Biome’s environment, pushing it deeper while opening up more Game and Stage Portals, releasing new species and new foods that feed our insects. Adding new plants in the conservatory that closely represent the proper surroundings and living spaces with beautiful life such as: Lantana, Cuphea, Zinnia, Ixora, Liatris, and Pentas Plants as well as Turtles, Goldfish, Toads, and Beetles that all help keep the insect population in balance.

With a landscape where you can browse our Gardens and Greenhouses! Take a look in our Floral Shop filled with Environmentals found in our biome. Bring home your favorite plants and place them in your Metaspace Apartment. Best part is, they don’t need watering!!!

We wish we were to release this next idea upon the Grand Opening. Though we needed to step back with all our ideas and focus, we can have visitors walk around and get them to land on their hand. Visitors will want to wear bright clothes, move slowly, and wear different perfumes or colognes purchased in our Shop to get different interactions.